RED NOSES International
Eleven countries. One mission.

RED NOSES Clowndoctors was founded in 1994 in Austria as a non-profit organisation, bringing humour and laughter to people in need of joy. In 2003 the charitable non-profit foundation RED NOSES Clowndoctors International (RNI), also based in Austria, was established as headquarters of the RED NOSES group. Its tasks are to build up, monitor and support international RED NOSES local organisations. In doing so, RED NOSES International simultaneously develops and maintains high ethical and artistic quality standards in all its clown programmes within the group.
Today, RED NOSES Clowndoctors is one of the largest clown doctor groups in the world with local organisations in 11 countries. In 2019, our international team of 437 clowns brought joy and laughter to more than 569,000 people – and that in 676 medical and social institutions. The RED NOSES group has developed a wide range of specific formats within its programmes for all major beneficiaries: sick children, senior patients, multiply disabled children and rehabilitation patients, as well as people in vulnerable situations. Since 2014, RED NOSES Clowndoctors International also works in cooperation with international aid institutions and sends specially trained clown teams on Emergency Smile missions to crisis areas.