For elderly
Too many people have lost their will to laugh.
We are on a mission to change that. Here is how:

Regular healthcare clown visits contribute to an increase in the quality of life of the elderly and people in need of care. This invariably increases their wish to actively participate in life. Clowns meet the senior citizens individually at their bedside, with respect and empathy, integrating their personal history and activating all their senses. That means singing songs together, recalling familiar smells, sharing recipes, connecting with memories from their “golden years”. In engaging elderly people in a variety of activities, clowns reveal long-forgotten abilities and create a sense of belonging.
Elderly often experience difficulty with mobility and lack of concentration, cognition and communication. These visits build a bridge to the vitality of the world of youth. By spreading humour, healthcare clowns stimulate beautiful memories for older people.
Our programme successfully supports the mobilization of older patients with dementia, depression and chronic illness. They do this through implementing artistic techniques that brighten patients’ daily routine. With the arrival of the clowns, there is one more reason to participate actively in life, again.
Recognizing the need to develop such a programme, especially in which elderly people are part of the Palestinian community; yet they are not provided with enough psychological support, RNPS started the Geriatric Programme to give moments of joy and happiness to elders. Ever since our first visit, our team noticed the immense difference in numerous elderly home care centres:
- Augusta Victoria Hospital - Jerusalem
- Saint Nicolas Home Charitable Society for Elderly - Beit Jala
- Beit Al-Ajdad for Elderly Care - Jericho
- Antonian Charitable Society - Bethlehem
- Beit Afram Elderly House - Taybeh
- Dar Al-Mahabah Wa Al-Wiaam for Elderly - Nablus
- Al-Mosinen Charitable Society - Jenin