RNPS is launching a new project, aiming at enhancing the role of healthcare clowning in Palestine funded by BMSGPK
As part of our ongoing mission to spread humour and laughter among people in need of joy, we’re excited to take a new step forward with our new project, aiming at enhancing the role of healthcare clowning in Palestine.
Here are some photos from a recent visit of our healthcare clowns, Dr. Kishek Abu Laban and Dr. Muhtaseb, who spread joy and laughter to hospitalised children at Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah. They filled the halls with giggles, brightening the spirits of the children, their families, and the medical staff alike.
This visit is part of “Humour gives hope: Strengthening the mental health of vulnerable children & adolescents in Palestine through health clowning” project, funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (BMSGPK).